What is A Maß?

A Maß (pronounced ‘Mahs’) is a traditional German unit of volume, used predominantly for measuring beer at pubs and festivals like Oktoberfest. The term “Maß” translates to “measure” in English, and historically, it referred to various quantities. However, in modern times, a Maß typically signifies a one-litre beer glass.

At Oktoberfest, beer is traditionally served in a Maß. These large glass mugs, often adorned with the logo of the brewery, are a common sight at the festival. When you order a beer at Oktoberfest, what you’re typically getting is a Maß of beer, poured from wooden barrels into your glass.

How to Order A Maß at Oktoberfest

Ordering a Maß at Oktoberfest is an experience in itself. The first thing you need to do is find a seat because Oktoberfest’s unwritten rule is that you can only be served if you’re seated.

Once seated, catch the attention of a server, known as a bedienung, and simply say, “Ein Maß, bitte” (One Maß, please). Remember, Oktoberfest is cash only so ensure you have enough euros on hand. A Maß typically costs between 11 to 14 euros.

Ein Maß, bitteOne Maß, please
Zwei Maß, bitteTwo Maß, please

Also, it’s important to note that at Oktoberfest, a Maß is typically filled with lager from Munich’s six major breweries. If you want to know more about Oktoberfest’s unique terminologies, check out our articles on what does o ‘zapft is! mean and our definitive guide to Oktoberfest words and phrases.

Fun Facts About A Maß

  • A Maß is traditionally made of glass and has a handle. It’s designed to hold exactly one litre of beer.
  • The term Maß means “measure” in German, referring to the precise amount of beer the glass holds.
  • The Maß is an iconic symbol of Oktoberfest and is often depicted in artwork and promotional material for the event.
  • The amount of beer consumed at Oktoberfest each year is staggering. In the Oktoberfest 2019, the last festival before the Coronavirus lockdown, festival-goers consumed a total of 7.3 million litres of beer. In 2022, a total of 5.6 million litres of beers was consumed.
YearLitres of Beer Consumed
20157.5 million
20166.9 million
20177.5 million
20187.3 million
20197.3 million
20225.6 million

Responsible Drinking at Oktoberfest

A Maß, the traditional beer glass of Oktoberfest, holds one litre of beer. Given the size of a Maß, responsible drinking is crucial. Oktoberfest is a celebration that lasts for several hours, and the high alcohol content of the beer served in a Maß can quickly lead to intoxication if not consumed responsibly.

Here are a few tips to ensure you enjoy your Maß responsibly:

  • Pace Yourself: Remember, Oktoberfest is a marathon, not a sprint. Take your time to enjoy your Maß and the festive atmosphere.
  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water between Maßs to stay hydrated and counteract the effects of the alcohol.
  • Eat Well: Oktoberfest isn’t just about beer. The event is also famous for its hearty Bavarian food. Eating well can help to slow the absorption of alcohol.

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