What Does O’zapft Is! Mean?

The phrase “o’zapft is!” Bavarian dialect and it translates to “It’s tapped!” in English. This phrase is traditionally uttered by the Mayor of Munich when he taps the first keg of Oktoberfest beer, signifying the official start of the festival.

The ceremony of the Mayor tapping the keg and declaring “o’zapft is!” is a highlight of Oktoberfest and is eagerly awaited by festival-goers. This phrase is not just a declaration, but a symbol of the beginning of the joyous festivities that Oktoberfest brings.

This phrase is not just a casual announcement; it’s a deeply ingrained Oktoberfest tradition that dates back to the 19th century.

How to Pronounce “o’zapft is!”

Pronunciation is key when it comes to Oktoberfest terminology. The phrase “o’zapft is!” is pronounced oh-tsahpft-ees. Here’s a breakdown:

  • O as in ‘Oh!’
  • ‘zapft sounds like ‘tsahpft’ with a soft ‘p’ sound
  • is! is pronounced like ‘ees’

Don’t worry if you don’t get it perfect – part of the fun is trying, and most locals will appreciate your efforts.

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